Letting you in on a SECRET! | Boston Workout Classes

I can't believe I am telling you this. But I wanted to share and need your help.

I am letting you all in on a huge secret.

It won’t necessarily sound crazy to you — but I’m at the point where I need some outside help and I have no other option.

So I’m telling you.

Let me give you some backstory…

I accidentally/on purpose started Lime Social Club.

Last January I was in a job I hated. When people would ask me how I was I would say “Socially and physically I am great, work-wise… I’ve never been more anxious.”

So, I started writing articles every day and weekly, I would post on my social media stories that I was going for a run at this place and time and I wanted people to join me.

People just kept coming, and strangers were showing up. Then all of a sudden people were connecting me with gyms to host community workouts… It just kept going.

Now we have over 1,300 Lime Social Club Community Members.

How cool.

Anyways, I realized a few things:

  1. People are looking for community: 51% of adults said they are unsatisfied with the amount of friends they have, and multiple media sources mention the ongoing US loneliness epidemic.

    Young professionals in cities want to make new friends, connections, and networks but do not know how to do it organically (most people make friends at work or in gyms… or not at all).

  2. People are looking for intentional ‘playtime’: There is a huge push for people to intentionally take time out of their day to do something playful. I feel like this is one of the causes for increases in running as an activity - like run clubs: you can be social, find community, and it’s fun.

    Most of us need to be intentional about our activity choices. Everything is digital and you need to opt to get off them. Time Mag said on average adults spend 28 hours a week on their phones… insanity.

  3. People are looking for no/low-alcohol activities: One of Lime’s main purposes in the beginning was to help me be social outside of bars. I was so done with drinking… almost exactly a year ago I wrote an article about no/low alcohol beverages trending upwards. Since then they have continued to rise in popularity and being sober or sober curious is becoming a social norm at this point.

    Almost every person I have met at a Lime event has told me a similar take… “I want to drink less”, “I hate that I have to be in bars to be social”… The list goes on. But I think the end takeaway: People want things to do, and they are willing to pay money for activities where alcohol isn’t the focus, but rather an option.

So this brings me to my secret…

Because my ongoing issue with Lime Social is finding venue spaces.

I want to:

Open a space in New York City called Extracurricular (open to names)… The space will be rentable and would be Lime’s Hub.

It would have a very small commercial test kitchen on a platform that can be covered with curtains to become a stage. We would have banquet tables and chairs.

We would host 5-7 activities a week spanning from comedy shows, dinner parties, painting classes, pilates, yoga, sound meditation, journaling classes, and mocktail-making classes… the world is our oyster.

Sure, I am biased so I think this is a good idea.

But places like Get Happy Medium, Dirty Bird Run Club, Arts Club… They all hone in on the same founding problems as Extracurricular would.

I’m not saying building this would be easy, but I do think it would be viable and worth it.


If you have an idea, thoughts, or connections - I need all the help I can get. From how to build out the space, find a rental, and work out the legal logistics and financing.

Like does something like this need to be self-funded? Can I get outside investment? Do you want to invest?! Or should this be a bank loan?

I would love to talk to you.

I am thinking I will host a Zoom meeting for anyone who would like to help or get involved. Email me here, and I will pass along the Zoom information and will def get you into Extracurricular before the public does!


If you’re just pumped about this idea.. let me know. I want to hear from you.

I’m excited and scared but like everything else with Lime… I’d love to build this with you.

Ta Ta!



The Upcoming Must-Attend Events:

Lime Social Club Events: (NYC)

Lime Social Club Events: (BOS)

AOB NewsletterThe AOB Club: Your one stop shop for all of the latest business news.

Sumo oranges abt to be in szn.

So many people have mentioned Sumo Oranges to me because of my rant last year… so If you missed it: Here it is.

I love sumo oranges. Love them.

They are only in season for a few months in the winter. 

After doing some thinking. I spend almost $30 a week on these bad boys. 

Trader Joe’s is the cheapest grocery spot in the city. I use the 32nd St location.

The store sells these oranges at $2.64 a piece. Add in the 8.875% total sales tax, we’re now looking at $2.87 a piece. 

I buy 8-10 a week. 

$23-$28.7 spent.

Let me go as far to argue, these oranges aren't even at their price ceiling. I would easily pay $3.20 per orange. I pay $7 for a mediocre latte, so why not pay $3.20 for a nutritious and delicious orange? 

Have you tried Sumo Oranges yet?

They go out of season soon.

What doesn’t ever go out of season?


Orange you glad I didn’t try and pitch you coming to run club? 

I promise next week's newsletter won't be about a fruit. But I can't stop eating these. Tag me in your insta story if you try them.

  • I have shared her work before - But a friend and Lime Community member, Joan, writes as a form of reflection. Her most recent piece is titled coming of age. and does not disappoint, read here.

  • Last April I had the opportunity to travel to South Africa and live in the bush for 7 days (my reflection article here). I was with a handful of friends and the world’s BEST guide, Haydn. He recently made a YouTube page going into some of his work and it’s absolutely astounding. I loved learning about animals in their natural habitat and Haydn has been with these animals for about 20 years — subscribe to his page here!

Lime Social Club Events: (NYC)

Lime Social Club Events: (BOS)

  • Sunday, Jan 21, 2 pm: B/spoke x Lime Social Club South Boston RIDE class. RSVP Here!

  • Saturday, Jan 27, 11 am: Lifted x Lime Social Club Boston. RSVP Here! I'll be coming in from NYC to be at this class! PS!! Here is the class’ playlist!!! LFG!

  • Mid-Feb: Row House x Lime Social Club Boston. Details to come in mid-Jan!

“‘Gotta Blast’- Jimmy Neutron” -Caite