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  • Highlighting Founders and Builders in Lime Social Club - oh the people you can meet!

Highlighting Founders and Builders in Lime Social Club - oh the people you can meet!

I wanted to highlight some community members who are building awesome platforms and companies.

Happy New Year everyone!!

I hope you all enjoyed time with family, friends and a quick reset.

Lime Social Club has been an amazing catalyst for network growth (for both myself and community members) — and because of that, there are a handful of people in the LSC sphere building awesome things.

I wanted to start off our 2024 newsletters by introducing everyone to some community members who are building platforms and companies… which I am pumped to watch this year.

Let’s dive in.

You may know this name from our newsletter or have met the founders at our Holiday Party… Madison and Julian run Heirloom Supper Club which was only started a few months ago.

Each month, sometimes multiple times a month, Heirloom Supper Club hosts amazing curated dinners for a handful of guests. You can buy tickets to their dinners, arrive alone or with a friend, and meet a ton of people there while enjoying an amazing meal cooked by the HSC team.

Why I think they are big time: Heirloom (I believe) functions on a similar assumption as Lime Social Club — We all want community in real life, and NYC is a hard place to just find that. They curate the event, activity, and atmosphere that brings engaging, intelligent and curious people together. I love a mission as simple as that.

A friend of mine, McKenzie, began posting earlier this year on a new Instagram page her outfits. Although fashion-focused Instagrams are nothing new, McKenzie’s ability to re-wear and reconfigure pieces is what caught my eye (and continues to!).

McKenzie has an amazing sense of style, but she goes just that bit further to link affordable look-a-like pieces if needed or shows her audience how this will last a long time (girl math = If I wear it 300 times then it’s only $1/wear… right?!)

Why I think this is big time: Fashion-focused Instagrams are not new, but McKenzie’s sense of style and posting type offers almost a Pinterest-like ability to inspire viewers to use what is in their closets and then supplement outfits with accessories. She does the shopping for her viewers bringing high-end and affordable options to the table… and well, she’s also just the kindest soul.

Earlier in 2023 I was lucky enough to meet Claud, a go-getter with easily one of the most positive attitudes out there.

Claud and her team manage content creators across the USA - I don’t know her exact number, but we are talking north of 20 creators on her roster. They pitch brand deals, promotions, and influencer content to companies and help connect their portfolio of creators to these brands.

Why I think this is big time: We are seeing more and more money run through content creators for UGC or brand promotion on creators’ platforms. Suave is creating a network of both brands and creators to help creatives navigate the business side and to help brands find the right creators for a partnership. Likewise, Suave’s company Instagram highlights best practices, how-tos, and industry news for those looking to make money off their platforms. It’s a one-stop shop for all things ‘influencer marketing’… and no one hates a one-stop shop.

Over the last year, I have been able to work with, get an inside peek, and watch Deck Doctors grow. I met Alex and Mark, the founders, earlier in 2023 and immediately gravitated towards their thinking patterns, ability to ask great questions, and insightful nature.

What The team at Deck Doctors does incredibly well is storytelling.

Why I think this is big time: Storytelling is the #1 way to do anything - creating a personal brand, launching a business, any, and all of marketing… each facet is a form of storytelling. The Deck Doctors team has done a great job of translating pitch deck storytelling and help cater the same philosophy to new corners — think, personal branding, website design, general marketing practice… At the end of the day, the only thing your brand has is the words and product it puts out. Deck Doctors pushes your brand forward, helps translate your mission, and ensures you are honing in on your strengths and value proposition. You should follow them on LinkedIn, and they also published an e-book on pitch decks here you can read!

Anja, Endures founder, just closed a successful $25k Kickstarter to help get products out to the public. Many of you may know Anja from Lime Social Events, sponsorship, or running!

Endure Sport Nutrition is a whole-food-based nutrition system that prioritizes both macro and micronutrients — something for before, during, and after activity.

Why I think this is big time: The samples I’ve tried are better than anything I’ve had on the market, both taste-wise and ingredient-wise. Anja has been targeting runners as their need for quick, easy, and digestible foods is important for before/during/after exercise… Add that to the profound increase in running as a sport and Endure now can promote an amazing product in a rapidly growing market. Endure products will be released this upcoming year and I am pumped to watch them grow.

Other Favorites:

GNGR Labs - Namik, founder, frequently comes to LSC events with products. He makes ginger shots and drinks from his family’s recipes and just launches some AMAZING canned drinks you can find here. You can find them in stores throughout NYC too!

My Life as a Rom Com - Tess Treg, comedian, actress, cool person... She does it all. You may know Tess from our Hot Girl Walk: 27 Dresses Edition, Sublime Comedy, or a Lime workout class. Tess is an active member of LSC and runs her own brand, comedy show, and digital content. Check out her profile, her brand, and her upcoming show!

Spoonful - A frequent sponsors of our strength workouts, Spoonful has (truly) the best oats out there. Flavorful, protein-packed, and fresh. Brad, Spoonfuls founder, is a frequent runner and you can find him at some of our events. Check out Spoonful here.

Web3 Daily - We love a daily newsletter here. Chevy and Seb, co-founders, break down things happening in Web3 in the simplest, most normal terms EVER. You may have seen Chevy at some LSC events this past fall too! Check them out here.

No Days Wasted - Nishal, No Days Wasted’s Founder, brought some awesome products to Lime Social Club. The brand has sent us hydration packs and their DHM detox (which you take to not get a hangover… and they like REALLY work.) Check them out here!

Next week we will be back to our regularly scheduled newsletter content!

Enjoy your Wednesdays.



Lime Social Club Events: (NYC)

  • Cal coming soon :)

Lime Social Club Events: (BOS)

  • Saturday, Jan 21, 2 pm: Bspoke x Lime Social Club Boston. Details to be posted on our Eventbrite, RSVP will open at 10 am on January 10th!! (Next Wednesday)

  • Saturday, Jan 27, 11 am: Lifted x Lime Social Club Boston. Details will be published next Wednesday. I'll be coming in to be at this class with Taylor and the LSC team!

  • Mid-Feb: Row House x Lime Social Club Boston. Details to come in mid-Jan!


  • Saturday, Jan 13th, 11:45 am: Injury Prevention Workshop MADabolic Brooklyn x Movement Minded are partnering to bring you an Injury Prevention Workshop — both of whom you would have seen at our Endurance Performance Panel event in October!! More about the event here:

    • Sign up for this one-of-a-kind session through the MADabolic app! $15 for founding and 12-month unlimited members; $25 for all others (this event is open to anyone).

    • Email MADabolic to save your spot: [email protected]

  • Tuesday, Feb 13, 9:00 pm doors, 9:30 pm Show: Wedding Crashers Immersive Comedy brought to you by Tess Treg of Betches and My life is a Rom Com.

    • A comedy variety immersive wedding hosted by “bride to be” Tess Tregellas. Partake in the wedding festivities as with the most eclectic talent in New York City crash the wedding! We're talking, music, magic, comedy and more! This Valentine’s (February 13th 9:30pm) bring a plus 1, wear wedding attire, join in the chaos and get ready for some rom com movie magic.


Discount codes for you!


10% off our New Client Unlimited FOUR Week Special- ($109+tax) now $98+tax!

This FOUR-week membership is designed for new clients to explore how many classes their bodies and goals might be ready for. You can take up to 1 class per day for the 4-week span, and those who complete 4 or more classes within the 28-day period are subject to special introductory pricing on monthly memberships! Clients are still subject to late cancellation fees during this period, so please remember to cancel before 10 hours before your scheduled class if you are unable to attend. This offer is only available until 1/2/24 so act fast to get this opportunity by emailing me back here or [email protected] with the promo code: LimeSocialNC10

All Lime Social Club members also get 15% off a new client purchase of all MONTHLY 4/8/12 memberships/packs at [solidcore] Dumbo Use code at checkout: LimeSocial15

Or email [email protected] for more info!

“‘Gotta Blast’- Jimmy Neutron” -Caite