The Journey of a LSC member | LimeJuice Day!

Get off your phone and come hangout with us! thats the whole point, right?

I recently was asked what the journey is for a Lime Social Club Member.

Do people come to get something, or learn something? What do they leave with?

So here are my thoughts:

Some clubs you join to learn, some are to keep routine. Think - you join a Muay Thai club to learn the art of Muay Thai, or maybe you join a gym to have workout accountability.

But Lime Social Club functions differently.

We may teach you things, we may get you out on a Saturday morning for a run that you may have otherwise not gone on… but ultimately we are creating a space equivalent to a playground but for ‘adults’.

‘Adults’ in quotes because when do we really ever grow up?

I want you to come to Lime Events because you want play space, a space to feel, learn, be vulnerable, and meet people. I don’t want you to feel pressure to show up needing to do anything.

In our events and creations, you can simply just be present. and that is enough.

When a member leaves, the only thing I want you to leave with is a smile and hopefully some new friends.

I think that’s what makes this space so special.

Hopefully, I will see many of you at our LimeJuice Day in NYC this Saturday, we are offering a run, yoga, breath work, AND crafting in the park. You can come to all, come to some - but regardless, show up as yourself and just simply be!

Excited for this weekend and for Lime Social Club.



The Upcoming Must-Attend Events: See the bottom of the email for ALL events.

Lime Social Club Events: (NYC)

  • Saturday, June 8: LIME JUICE DAY We have partnered with Juicebox New York to have our first LIME JUICE DAY! Yoga + Breathwork will be from 9-10:30 am. Crafting in the Park will start at 11 and run through the afternoon. You can participate in one of them or all of them. Up to you! Details + Tickets Here!

Lime Social Club Events: (BOS)

  • Friday, June 28 at 7:00 pm Show: Stand up Magic is coming to Boston! After an unreal showing in NYC… We needed to bring you the excellence that is this show and lineup. Check out the details and buy your ticket now while you can!! Tickets Here!

  • This past weekend I was in Tuxedo, New York. Yes. Thats a place. My roommate, Haleigh (who I promised a shout-out to) jokingly asked if that is where Tuxedos came from… Well, turns out - YES! In 1880 new settlers moved to Tuxedo, NY. It was known for attracting the Yuppies of the city, who decided to try out new outerwear. Later it was known as the ‘Tuxedo’. The more ya know!

Lime Social Club Events: (NYC)

  • Saturday, June 8: LIME JUICE DAY We have partnered with Juicebox New York to have our first LIME JUICE DAY! Yoga + Breathwork will be from 9-10:30 am. Crafting in the Park will start at 11 and run through the afternoon. You can participate in one of them or all of them. Up to you! Details + Tickets Here!

  • Tuesday, June 18, 7 pm EST: VIRTUAL: Lime Social Club Power Yoga Summer Series | June Kylie will lead us through a 45-minute power yoga series. Classes are held virtually, all levels are welcome, and everyone is encouraged to join! Tickets Opening Next Week.

Lime Social Club Events: (BOS)

  • Tuesday, June 18, 7 pm EST: VIRTUAL: Lime Social Club Power Yoga Summer Series | June Kylie will lead us through a 45-minute power yoga series. Classes are held virtually, all levels are welcome, and everyone is encouraged to join! Tickets Opening Next Week.

  • Friday, June 28 at 7:00 pm Show: Stand up Magic is coming to Boston! After an unreal showing in NYC… We needed to bring you the excellence that is this show and lineup. Check out the details and buy your ticket now while you can!! Tickets Here!

LSC Discounts!!!

  • MADabolic Williamsburg: LSC folks get 20% off a 10-session flex pack ($230, normally $288)!! You can start off with $5 for 5 days to check out the workout before you buy - Check it out here or email: [email protected] (If you come - you’ll see me! this is my home gym!)

  • Slate Milk: Slate offers delicious, quick-to-drink protein bevs. Use Code ‘LIMESOCIALCLUB10’ for 10% sitewide on all protein drinks.

  • For Wellness: Use Code ‘LIMESOCIAL’ for 25% off sitewide!! For Wellness offers a ton of health supplements from proteins to recovery gummies!

  • Rind: Use Code ‘LIMESOCIAL20’ for 20% off the Rind website through 5/31. Rind offers whole dried fruit snacks — Even the peels!!

“‘Gotta Blast’- Jimmy Neutron” -Caite